polydadmac of FL4820 FL4653 FL4540 FL 4440 can be replaced by Chinafloc , China polydadmac of FL4820 FL4653 FL4540 FL 4440 can be replaced by Chinafloc manufacturer and supplier - CHINAFLOC

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Product Center / polydadmac of FL4820 FL4653 FL4540 FL 4440 can be replaced by Chinafloc

polydadmac of FL4820 FL4653 FL4540 FL 4440 can be replaced by Chinafloc
FL4820 FL4653 FL4540 FL4440 are four kinds of polydadmac with different solid content and viscosity from 20%,35% to 40%.can be used for different water treatment and mineral processing.chinafloc--polydadmac can replace of them with better performance.